Low Income Senior Housing

Find A Warm, Welcoming Community To Suit You With Holiday Retirement. Discover Senior apartment communities categorized for 55+ or 62+ Seniors

The American dream is still alive. Everyone may not be fortunate enough to live it but we all can do our best to try. The ideal lifestyle usually consists of someone who does the following: graduate, land a solid career, buy a home to raise your family and retire. Here is where things may get complicating. Retirement has influenced a multi-billion-dollar industry that caters to the hard workers who are fortunate enough to experience this beautiful milestone of life. When faced with retirement, people have so many options. It may seem as though a whole new world has been opened up to them. Keep reading to find out about living choices retirees will have to consider when the retirement party has arrived. 

There are different types of retirement housing that cater to various economic classes for retirees. There are 55+ communities or retirement communities and there are senior living communities.

55+ Communities or Retirement Communities

These communities are usually very luxurious and A-List. If a retiree decides to choose a community of this classification then they can expect to have their own houses, more choices, and a more diverse choice of health care. Most 55+ or retirement communities are basically high-quality suburbs with added benefits. Here is a list of the following benefit types.

  • Assisted Living: This benefit supplies the residents with medical care and helps because it is extremely convenient. They can have at home nurses and other forms of professional caregivers.
  • Neighborhood clinics: This ensures that they stay healthy and do not have to go out of their way to receive superior health care.
  • High-quality food catering with a big variety of nutritious food is available to all residents
  • Golf courses and other activities: This includes spas, swimming pools, sports, fitness centers, libraries and more.
  • A neighborhood mail center with an ATM machine

In order for someone to be eligible to live in these types of communities, they must reach certain qualifications like:

  • They must be able to afford their housing.
  • They must be able to pay all fees associated with property maintenance, and services.

Senior Living Communities

There are also more affordable and less luxurious types of communities that are designed to cater to retirees with lower income levels. These facilities are usually a lot less expensive and designed to house a bigger amount of retirees in one place. The retirees will usually have some of the following options.

  • A cafeteria that supplies them with nutritious food of a smaller variety.
  • A qualified nurse who is there the majority of the time to give them medical care and attention.
  • Assisted living who help them perform complicated tasks like taking a shower.
  • Events and activities to entertain and allow them to socialize.

These housing facilities usually have the following qualification standards.

  • You must be at the age of 55 or above.
  • You must undergo a health exam and other tests to determine your tone.
  • You must have an income that is below 26,000 a year.