Short Term Living in Senior Facilities

As people age they often experience a lot of different challenges associated with their bodies. It becomes increasingly difficult to bounce back from injuries and illness as your body weakens with age. Often times they find that their bodies can no longer keep up with the things that they used to and sometimes suffer significant injuries resulting to their age. When a significant injury occurs, such as a broken hip or shoulder, it is important for an elderly person to obtain assistance and monitoring in a safe and secure setting.

Senior Living While Recovering from Surgery

It is very challenging for seniors to take care of themselves when recovering from a injury or illness. Taking care of yourself when your Mobility is limited can be truly challenging. There are facilities that aid in this process and help with senior living after recovering from illness. These facilities typically provide for the following care options and benefits while in their care including:

- Basic food and medication preparation and delivery
- Care and monitoring
- Minor or major medical services and care
- Entertainment and social situations
- Staff observation
- Bathing options and personal care services

For individuals who are recovering from a major illness or injury and cannot take care of these needs, a short term living option in these facilities are a great option for them.

Cost of Short Term Living Facilities

While many elderly people struggle financially to afford these short term facilities, there are many things that help them to limit the cost while they are in these facilities. While you will likely need to maintain your own home when in these facilities which simply add the cost of these facilities to the cost of owning and maintaining a home, using these facilities are significantly cheaper than selling your home to finance a care package or staying at nursing homes, a hospital, or other long term care options. Further, you can likely obtain funding to assist your with the payment of your senior facility care through your health insurance provider or through one of the government health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid which can pay for a portion or all of this care.

Returning to Life After Staying in a Short Term Living Facility

By definition, a Short Term Living Facility is not a long term solution to a problem that you are facing. When you stay in a Short Term Living Facility the goal is to return to your normal daily life, once you are able to do so. Often you will not heal all at the same time and you will need to make a decision, both financially and based on your ability to bounce back from an injury, regarding whether you are ready to return to your daily life. Returning to your life can be a real challenge and many people will use senior home health aides to help to manage the process and to help to return them to their old life.